After deep thought and consideration, not without anxiety and emotion, I will be retiring at the end of this calendar year, Dec. 31, 2021. I can be available to continue beyond that date if more time is needed to make the transition to a new Executive Director.
I have developed a draft timetable and task list, based on one the Search Committee developed when Rachel Chilton was hired as Business Manager. Among the tasks are: Revising and updating the job descriptions; appointing a search committee for the Executive Director position; developing rubrics to evaluate resumes and for the interview process; determining the job posting sites, and organizing the interview and selection process.
After deep thought and consideration, not without anxiety and emotion, I will be retiring at the end of this calendar year, Dec. 31, 2021. I can be available to continue beyond that date if more time is needed to make the transition to a new Executive Director.
I have developed a draft timetable and task list, based on one the Search Committee developed when Rachel Chilton was hired as Business Manager. Among the tasks are: Revising and updating the job descriptions; appointing a search committee for the Executive Director position; developing rubrics to evaluate resumes and for the interview process; determining the job posting sites, and organizing the interview and selection process.
I am working with the OSPA officers, and members of FAC and the Planning and Development Committee to assist in the logistics.
The Executive Director Search Committee is chaired by board member Rob Kubick and consists of the following board members: Past-President Ashley Lockemer, NASP Liaison Bradley Paramore, President Emma Sacha, outgoing Secretary Kaitlyn Lang and outgoing Legislative Committee chair Chuck Archer.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. It has been a difficult decision as I love working with school psychologists, however, I think it is the right time for me.