The rules regulating the school psychology license when it is taken over by the State Board of Psychology are drafted and will soon be moving through the rulemaking process. The State Board of Psychology on Feb. 2 and again March 22 voted on the set of rules that cover everything from how and when to renew, what counts for continuing education and how to report that continuing education. OSPA will have to decide how we are financially going to handle taking on oversight of more than 3,200 licenses as the law requires that we certify to SBP that individuals have met requirements necessary for license renewal. You should receive direct email contact inviting you to comment on the rules as they go through the Common Sense Initiative. They next will go to the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review. OSPA members should have received an email with the highlights of the changes and links to the draft rules.
To read more, a purchase is needed: Click here to subscribeLegislative Lowdown: Rules Governing License Move in Motion