Julianne Dundee, M.Ed.
School Psychologist
Warren City Schools


Through discussion with kindergarten teachers, they found that this year’s students are performing lower than their students ever had in the past. Many of these students did not go preschool and were not been exposed at home to the knowledge they were expected to have when entering kindergarten. It was decided that a series of research-based interventions done through center activities in the classroom could help the students to improve their skills. In order to determine which centers are appropriate and also create the centers, the Florida Center for Reading Research website was studied. Progress was monitored by looking at the data collected by the DIBELS assessments at different times throughout the year. In order to create and implement the different center activities, education majors from Youngstown State University, looking for classroom experience for a course were recruited. Halfway through the year the students were given another DIBELS assessment and those data were used to determine what type of activities should be implemented for the remainder of the year.

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